Thursday, October 4, 2012

"(NIH)/(MT DPHHS) - "BULLY" "ASSAULT-BATTER", "DRUG" and "TRASH" (MT) Sick Mothers and their Children - RICO & LYME CRYME -"

From Mary Deneen Wilson

"Bonnie White on October 1, 2012 at 2:28 pm said:

One thing is for sure….when all of the nay sayers are sitting at home
in pain, wondering how they are going to die from this disease or
wishing that they would, they will look back on the time that they
were dumb asses and swallowed the kool-aid. They will know that they
contributed to the unnecessary suffering of many, many people and
animals. As I type this, my dog is dying from lymphoma, after
suffering from undiagnosed lyme for years until an adequate test was
able to identify what her problem is–too late for cure. Oh, I just
remembered, I have to go take my medicine, in the hopes that I’m not
heading for the same slow death from lyme.

October 2, 2012 at 7:32 am said:

As we know, what people running for office say is not always acted on
once they get elected. If this candidate wanted to do something, he
had plenty of opportunity when he was governor of MA.

What is really mean: the comments of journalists who don’t like Romney
using it as an opportunity to trash sick people.

Bush had lyme himself and never helped us. Why should we believe
Romney would either?
Reply ↓
Kris on October 2, 2012 at 7:51 pm said:

Good, H.R. 1364, -
Introduced by Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz of Utah and Jared
Polis, Democrat from Colorado. This landmark legislation protects
basic free speech rights, ends censorship of science, and enables the
natural health products community to share peer-reviewed scientific
findings about natural health products with the public.

There are many more bills out there that benefit the Lyme community.
We need to make ourselves aware of what our representatives are doing.
You may be voting for someone who is helping out the IDSA without even
being aware of it.

Paul Mall on October 3, 2012 at 9:49 am said:

Lyme friends please sign this petition:
Reply ↓
October 3, 2012 at 3:34 pm said:

It is interesting timing, Romney promising to fight Lyme Disease weeks
before the election. He hasn’t been looking to good of late, and is
well aware how many people are infected with Lyme. (200,000-420,000 a
year!) It is also interesting, how will all these sick people get
treated? After all, Romney doesn’t believe we need insurance for the
poor, he says people can get what they need from the E.R.!!! My
treatment 3+ yrs in to this is $14,000-$18,000 a MONTH. This does
include I.V.I.G. which is costly. My Medicaide (yes, I have now lost
everything except what really matters) covers my medical %100.
Somehow, empty promises or not, I don’t believe Romney thinks Nancy
Dolan’s life is worth $14,000 a month."

Sent In by Mary Wilson Deneen

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